The Kilarc Project |
News ArchiveReverse Chronology of what was posted from Start-up through June 2007Return to Current News page 6-27 Large collection of Diversions and Irrigation maps. (Tiff Format.) These are generally large maps suitable for GIS or engineering. They are direct copies of originals from the State Water Resources Control Board. 6-21 FERC approves PG&E's surrender schedule. (MS Word Doc.) Other new documents in Docs. page. 6-24 FERC Environmental Inspection of the Kilarc-Cow Creek Project is scheduled for August 15th ant 16th. 6-23 Glen Dye's June 2nd Letter to FERC was discovered on the FERC web site. A good summary of the issues! The attachments were attached to a later posting of Glen's letter by FERC on their site. 6-16 New Pictures from Site Visit. Check out, for example the fish barrier pictures To see the business end of a Pelton Turbine checkout the new pictures from the Kilarc power house. 6-14 - Sacramento News and Review Article. They got it mostly right! If this link doesn't work try: A poor copy is available in the documents vault as a PDF. 6-13/14 PG&E hosted an excellent site visit trip with roughly 15 guests each trip. Extremely thorough. Thank you. PG&E has promised to put the pictures and maps they were discussing on their WEB site 6-11 Many new documents are on the Documents Page. For example, the Whitmore Citizens Save-Kilarc petition and signatures (KC0050), FERC's negative response to the NOI (KC0170), and PG&E's November 2003 Study Summary(KC0180) among others. People have asked for the Cow Creek Watershed management Plan. It is here as KC0029. Also the Adjudication Decree is here as KC0005, but is large, so read the caveat on the documents page. 6-10 PG&E releases June Field Trip schedule. Click here. 6/1 Dick Ely visited with licensing, compliance, and legal
staff of the FERC in Washington on Friday June 1st. The meeting was to
discuss the correct process to enable continued operation of some of the
Kilarc-Cow Creek facilities. Also discussed was the process by which communities
interests could be best considered within the rigidity of the surrender
process. 5-31 FERC rejects Davis Hydro LLC's (Dick & Kelly) application to FERC to hold for filing a Notice Of Intent to file for a license. Click Here for FERC letter. 5-26 KC LLC BLOG is Up. The Cow Paddy {now defunct}. Dick And Kelly will start some topics, but feel free to comment or start you own.. If you have not a blog before try it. Any problems call me {Don't the Paddy has died.}. 5-16 MEETING SCHEDULE !! Open Technical meeting between PG&E and agencies for Surrender/ NEPA process schedule set. Monthly meetings to be second Thursday of each month and preceding day (Wednesday) until further notice. Location to be announced. Starting times are 9:30 on Wednesday and 9 on Thursday. See PG&E project website for Updates as meeting gets near. We will try to keep you informed. 5-25 Complete Cow Creek Adjudication Decree section is posted in Reference Materials. Graphics and unreadable page corrections will follow at about 6/27/07. 5-25 USFWS files comments with the FERC on KC LLC NOI and PG&E's surrender schedule. 5-22 KC LLC staff attend NMFS workshop on Salmonid Recovery Workshop focusing on Central Valley Salmon and Steelhead Threats Assessment - Sacramento led by Diane Windham. Follow-on agency discussion is documented here. 5-18 Steve Tetrick shares letters for posting. Mr. Tetrick, Bud Farrell and Dick Jones sent this letter to PG&E in April 2004 identifying possible negative impacts on fish of decommissioning. Steve Tetrick has the farm just north of the Abbott diversion on South Cow. 5-22 PG&E has new Kilarc Cow Creek Web site. It is up at 5/10 Trout Unlimited filing with FERC - their filing is available on the Documents Page as filing KC0130. 5/12 New pictures are available in the Photos page. Click at bottom of this page. 5/11 Copies of relating to PG&E's $10 million filing with the PUC available on the Documents page. There was a review of the Office of Ratepayer Advocates who approved the decommissioning budget. That opinion is available here. 5/15 PG&E organized two meetings on their plans May 15, 2007, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Millville Grange, 22037 Old 44 Drive, Palo Cedro, CA. May 16, 2007, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Red Lion Inn, 1830 Hilltop Drive, Redding, CA. Large turn out by public. 5/11 The Cow Creek Watershed Management Plan is now available here as Document KC0029. Be aware it is 30 Megabytes and 89 pages with many graphics. 5/3 Introductory Article today in the East Valley Times. Ongoing ActivitiesWEB SITE: We are working on: community generated documents, letters, and posters, pictures, and the blog. We expect the Blog to be up the week of June 6th at the latest. This WEB site is new and being filled. Please be aware that pages are changing and be sure to refresh them when in doubt. This page will change every day or two, so be sure to REFRESH IT when you load it. We are sure that our maintenance of this site will be limited and inadequate. If there is anything that should go up, be modified, or come off, please let us know. Current work is ongoing goals with the community and how agency and community goals can be best accomplished. Local Committees
We hope to meet in the near future:FERC - Washington The Abbot Ditch Group. We are also working on discussing the project with appropriate community members to Investigate of new fish passage installation
and maintenance KC Formal and Informal ConsultationA comprehensive list of this consultation is included here. The intent of this page is to communicate to the FERC all the concern and input we have received from all parties. To date, most of the conversations with officials has been informal and frank. To date (May 6th, 2007) we have discussed the project with all key agencies at various levels in person or by telephone. These conversations while often comprehensive, represent individual personal opinions and as with all informal phone calls, KC LLC treats their contents as private communications with noted exceptions noted in the consultation text where a clear policy or idea is stated for public disclosure. See Contacts for KC and agency contacts. This list does not include all the agency staff we have consulted. Return to Current News page