The Kilarc Project |
ContactsCommunity OrganizationsCommunity Activities and News. This can best be contacted through a new WEB site Kilarc.NET. This WEB site that will promote a two way communication between the public and the agencies will focus of community news and newspaper coverage. In this new website, send them an e-mail, and tell them if you would like assistance from KC LLC in contacting any of the individuals below, or if you would like to have your name and/or contact information published on this page so that others may reach you. Finally, and very important, if you have any opinion and would like help putting it in the record to the FERC, we will be glad to help - even if you do not support our project. Separate and now under the direction of Glen Dye and edited by Maggie Trevelyan is the web site This is the ongoing activist WEB site of Glen's group, which does not want to be soley associated only with the Davis Hydro effort as in the past. The other complication is that when we were helping Glen by putting people's filings up on the WEB and/or sent on to FERC, Glen felt he was not always consulted. To avoid that in the future, it makes sense to have a site that will put up public content and comment without getting the "SAVE KILLARC" approval. ParticipantsPG&E.comPG&E has been licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to operate the hydroelectric P-606 Kilarc-Cow Creek project, among other projects. PG&E acquired lands in support of such projects. As part of the PG&E bankruptcy settlement agreement, PG&E agreed to divest lands that are not essential to the operations of its hydroelectric projects, and established the Stewardship Council to provide for the transfer of divested lands to organizations dedicated to conservation of these land resources. Upon the expiration of the P-606 license, PG&E decided to surrender rather than renew its license to operate these hydroelectric facilities.
Federal Energy Regulatory CommissionThe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) office in Washington, DC issues and accepts the surrender of hydroelectric licenses in accordance with federal regulations. The FERC’s five regional offices, including the one in San Francisco, CA, oversee hydroelectric operations and compliance with license conditions. Washington, DC Office San Francisco Office Parties to the March 31, 2005 Kilarc-Cow Creek Project Agreement under which PG&E agreed not to seek a new license for the Project and to continue operating the project pursuant to annual licenses upon expiration of the current license, until the Project is (1) acquired by another license applicant; or (2) decommissioned by Commission order. In anticipation of no successful application by another prospective licensee of the project, the parties signing the Agreement included an Attachment A identifying “Decommissioning Alternative” Agency and Stakeholder “Subjects and Desired Conditions” National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Brenda Olson, Fishery Biologist, Anadromous Fish Restoration Program,
Red Bluff, CA National Park ServiceJonathan B. Jarvis, Regional Director, Pacific West Region California Fish and Game Northern Division
California State Water Resources Control BoardJim Canaday, Senior Environmental Scientist, Division of Water Rights, Sacramento, CA County: Shasta County Resource ManagementRegional: Western Shasta Resource Conservation DistrictDiscussant Environmental GroupsTrout Unlimited
Community StakeholdersThe following individuals are participating in the development of plans for the future enjoyment and conservation of their local resources. Glenn Dye, Save Kilarc organization. See RJ Roth, a.k.a. Whitmore Bob. Cow Creek Watershed Management Group (CCWMG) Pacific
Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council Friends of Cow Creek Preserve (FoCCP) Western Shasta Resource Conservation District German Ditch Association KC LLC Related Web SitesDavis Hydro
The Davis Collaborative - A Research company of Richard
Ely and others