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The Kilarc Project
Abbreviated Annotated Bibliography

Version 3.4 Dated
June, 2010

This abbreviated bibliography contains some of the filings of Davis Hydro and the responses of the Review Agencies. Here is presented the ideas and background for where we are today. To see a more (to my knowledge, complete) comprehensive list please visit

The files included here either by ourselves or by the Agencies are not comprehensive but are intended to be fully representative. Files that are not here include:
o Unofficial e-mails with agency staff and consultants,
o Notes on telephone calls with various parties, and
o Earlier filings and agency inquiries.

There are few references to the Tetrick Proposal. These documents are available on our WEB site at or the FERC WEB site.


The following documents are in order with the more recent ones at the top. There are more earlier ones (see “older Documents), but these will give you a snapshot of our involvement. Each has a brief annotation.

The following is Davis Hydro Comments on the Requested Scope for the EIS (FERC dated 10-25-09). This is important in that it addresses again the breadth of the issues to be addressed in an environmental analysis. This paper does not discuss or describe our proposal directly. .

Below is our response to CDFG comments . - We agree!!! With CDFG’s concerns, but disagree with their conclusions (February 3, 2010). This is an important paper in that a response to the only comprehensive agency response to the Davis Hydro Alternative.

CDFG's December 10, 2009 response to our June 2009 proposal. In summary they found it "Very Experimental, Different, and untested" (see page 2)

Below is our August 24, 2009 comprehensive response to earlier NOAA FWS & CDFG comments on the scope of the Environmental Impact Statement as then defined by FERC. We suggest that as presented, the scope is far to narrow to comply with the goals of the agencies. This document is not a description of The Davis Hydro Alternative, only discussion of the EIS Scope.

Davis Hydro. 2009b. Project Scope and Studies. Davis Hydro Working Paper, K-4. Davis, CA. July 12, 2009. This described the important scoping variables to be addressed in and Environmental Impact Statement. It is available at:
FERC Accession No. 20090713-5165

The Latest Davis Hydro Alternative
The following are found in the FERC eLibrary filed under P-606:
FERC Accession No. 20090619-5008 Davis Hydro. 2009a. The Kilarc Steelhead Project. An Alternative to the Demolition of the Kilarc Hydropower Project. Davis, CA. June 2009. Also available at: FERC Accession No. 20090713-5112.

NMFS comments on the June 8 2009 DH Alternative.

These NMFS refer to earlier November 2005 comments, on a much earlier and quite different, Synergics proposal. These NMFS comments call for a large number of studies and that will delay progress for many years. These comments are important because they show where NMFS is on this project, and implicitly why Synergics and PG&E abandon the project. The earlier NMFS comments are available here:

Davis Hydro’s June 8 2008 Reconstruction Alternative contained almost all of the present ideas. It is available here:

Older Filings

There is also a previous version dated April 2008, included the South Cow improvements. There are earlier versions and versions that also addressed work on the South Cow, but the South Cow objective was separated due to realization that the valuable upstream habitat needed to be restored and that the Abbott Ditch water deliveries provided a key means of protecting downward migrating fish, if ranchers permitted it.

Other Documents

In January 2010, DH released an updated salmonid discussion paper of research topics we wish to undertake. This has not been discussed with the agencies, so it is not included above. It is available here and as we learn more it is being updated.
Last edited

The following discusses why the local BIG Timber company opposes our proposal. It also briefly addresses our solution to the Abbott Ditch problem on the South Cow. It does not comment significantly on the Tetrick Settlement Proposal.[1].pdf.

The following is a NMFS response to proposal (October 15, 2009 ). This is very brief and contains little.[1].pdf.

Tetrick motion to intervene, outlining his Alternative is at

All documents filed with the FERC on this Docket are available at the FERC Web Site at

Others – some early news articles, and perhaps simpler to access to most documents are available from Davis Hydro at

Davis Hydro Kilarc Project Maps are primarily included in:

Non Davis Hydro Kilarc Project Maps are primarily included in

Photographs of the Kilarc site are available from Davis Hydro at: .

Local Community Website with news releases and other community filings is available at .

PG&E is providing some of their larger documents, environmental reports, and response to the FERC’s additional information request (AIR) filings at: . The latest AIR data are currently only available at the FERC WEB site or as a CD from PG&E.

Additional Sources Providing Context for Analysis

Presentation by Desiree D. Tullos, California Water Board, July 23, 2007, “The Science and Practice of Restoration - Ghosts of Rivers Past, Present, and Future” slides available at .

FERC Accession No. 20070731-5001
Davis Hydro’s Scoping Paper on the Kilarc and South Cow License Surrender Study Plans. This paper suggested Project Surrender Alternatives and Derived Recommended Studies Presented to FERC P-606 Stakeholders including The Save Kilarc committee, The Friends of Cow Creek Preserve, The Cow Creek Watershed Management Group, Associated Ranchers and Water Rights Holders, and The People of Greater Whitmore Draft for Comment and Consideration, July 2007 by Davis Hydro, from which both the Tetrick and Davis Hydro alternatives have evolved.

FERC Accession Nos. 20070427-5112, 20070517-0080 and 20070531-3003
Notification of Intent to Seek A New License for FERC Project No. 606 Kilarc-Cow Creek of Davis Hydro LLC and this was denied by the FERC.
This was preceded by Letter of Davis Hydro to FERC General Counsel Re: Future Licensing Options and Priority for FERC Project No. 606 Kilarc-Cow Creek (not available on eLibrary, but only at link below) .

Environmental Studies

Hatchery and Stocking Program EIR/EIS California Fish and Game. This document and associated studies address the very issues raised by Davis Hydro in their Kilarc Proposal. That is the issue of genetics.
This document is very large and exhaustive but addresses comprehensively the problem that the whole area is perfused with hatchery fish and now we must do something about it. The resolution of this issue is addressed at length in the genetic issues and direction outlined in the Davis Hydro Alternative. Their study is available here:

PG&E’s Biological Assessment (Internal Draft) August 2009, Available from FERC – Elibrary as Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). 2007. Kilarc-Cow Creek Project, FERC No. 606, Aquatic Habitat and Fisheries Resource Report. Prepared by Entrix, Inc., Concord, CA. November 2. Available at:
20091026-5005 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 10/25/2009 10:28:01 PM

Cow Creek Final Watershed Assessment 2001 This is available at . It is 25 Megabytes.

Regarding temperature effects on salmonid habitats in northern California, see Thompson, Lisa C., Larry Forero, Yukako Sado, and Kenneth W. Tate, Impact of Environmental Factors on Fish Distribution Assessed in Rangeland Streams in California Agriculture, Volume 60, Number 4, pp. 200-206.
and “Stream Ecology from a Fish’s Perspective: Habitat, Connectivity, and Flow” – a collection of 57 slides presented by Lisa Thompson and to be filed shortly on the FERC eLibrary under P-606 for reference in this proceeding.

Studies commissioned by Davis Hydro, from which both the Tetrick and Davis Hydro alternatives have evolved, include:
FERC Accession No. 20080707-5045 (4 documents found at pages 25-41 of FERC-generated pdf).

1./ An exploratory Paper written by the Environmental Ecologist: Ms. Ayako Ohara’s (ne: Kawabata) , “Feasibility of a Fish Production Facility in the Kilarc Canal, A Field Report, June 2008” also available at

2./ Davis Hydro Commissioned a brief review of our proposals as they were developing. Cramer Fish Sciences (Joseph Merz & Bradley Cavallo), “Fishery evaluation for South, Old Cow Creek Hydroelectric Facilities” also available at

3./ StreamWise Stream Assessment and Restoration (Rick Poore) reviewed the possibility and the work required to make nature like spawning beds in the headrace. “Observations made during our April 2, 2008 site visit to the South Cow Creek (Tetrick Ranch) and Old Cow Creek (Kilarc) project areas” also available at

3./ Todd Sloat Biological Consulting, Inc. “Summary of observations made on 2 April 2008, at the Kilarc project area” also available at

Other surveys, and walk-through evaluation of the project have been done by Carlton Engineering, Wildland's Biologist Dr. Tom Cannon, and Geoimagery. It was tom who pointed out all the fish spawning in the canal which has led to the core of our proposal.  No final work from these firms is available.


To start: A good overview Map of the Headrace/spawning grounds is here:

Davis Hydro and PG&E maps at various resolutions are available from Davis Hydro at:

In particular, electronic pdf versions of the GIS maps shared at the September 27, 2009 Second Annual Community Picnic at Kilarc Reservoir, that will also be distributed at the site visit and FERC scoping meetings next week, are found at the following links:

Figure 1 - The whole Kilarc canal (spawning area-ne headrace) showing major features

Figure 2 - The section of the canal showing the first two Upper Spawning sections and fish return features. (not readily accessible from the picnic at the forebay)

Figure 3 - The Lower Section of the canal showing the fish return options.

Forthcoming Data
Davis Hydro is in the process of developing and will supply GIS-located photographs of the following

• Photographs of the entire Kilarc bypass taken every 50 to 75 meters. The photos focus on the falls, barriers, cover and condition of the stream bottom. They include photographs of possible gold working artifacts from the Kilarc bypass region that are.
1. • Photographs of ospreys in the forebay and snakes eating fish in the Old Cow.
2. • GIS located gravel samples from the lower half of the Kilarc bypass.
3. • Mosaiced low altitude aerial high resolution photographs of the Kilarc canal and bypassed Old Cow Creek.


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