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Fish Ladders

This page will contain discussion, ideas, and designs on the fish ladders. We welcome ideas and input. The page is intended as a starting point for dialogue on how the community can respond positively to the Federal listing of endangered species. We welcome input from the community and especially from the ditch owners and people on whose land are the existing dams.



The Problem

This year, 2007, is a good example of when much of the Old and South Cow fish habitat is inaccessible because of very low water up both the Old Cow to the powerhouse and some of the South Cow. Mortality of fish coming downstream is high from abrasion and predation (beyond the effects of diversions), and access upstream is inhibited by low stream flows – primarily at diversions. Any fish that are trying to get up to their spawning grounds would be hindered by lack of upstream passage features that are more easily passed at medium or high flows.



Addressing a Solution

By installing small “nature-like” fish ladders at these diversions, we can assist in fish passage upstream. These will have to be maintained year round, but especially in the summer and fall.

KC LLC is interested in community ideas on how we can install and maintain these as part of an agreement with the National Marine Fisheries Service.